Blog tagged as productivity

Why You Should Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Why You Should Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

By karengray

Your comfort zone is a mental space where your activities and behaviors fit inside a nice steady routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk. It provides a state of mental security. When you stay inside your comfort zone you benefit in obvious ways, enjoying regular happiness, low anxiety, an...

05.17.23 05:24 PM - Comment(s)
Procrastinate Better

Procrastinate Better

By karengray

Not everything needs to be done right away, or talked about right now, or even decided without a good night sleep. When we delay action, we stop the habit of reacting to situations, and we take control of that aspect of our lives again.
07.22.21 01:46 PM - Comment(s)
Lost Your Motivation?

Lost Your Motivation?

By karengray

If you are finding yourself putting things off, or just not having the motivation to get something started, this information can help get you back on track.
02.10.21 05:43 PM - Comment(s)
It Doesn't Have to Be "All or Nothing"

It Doesn't Have to Be "All or Nothing"

By karengray

How many times have you put off a project and never came back to it? Have you tried to accomplish something and found yourself saying “it didn’t work, it isn’t going to work”? That’s the “all or nothing” mindset. And it’s keeping you from your desired outcome.
01.27.21 10:29 AM - Comment(s)
It's New Year's Resolution Time!

It's New Year's Resolution Time!

By karengray

If we aren’t setting reasonable goals and creating realistic actions plans, then we will have a more difficult time succeeding.
01.13.21 05:30 PM - Comment(s)