Celebrating Wellness

By - karengray
08.11.21 03:18 PM

August is National Wellness Month, and it is a great time to think about what your Wellness goals are. The World Health Organization defines wellness as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, not just the absence of disease. The concept of wellness isn’t something new. In fact, the idea of wellness stretches back to ancient Chinese, Greek and Roman cultures, which all emphasized holistic approaches to achieving health, well-being, and harmony within one’s life. 


Wellness means different things to different people. For many people, wellness means physical fitness, holistic care, happiness, relaxation, emotional balance, stress reduction, quality of life and spiritual health. Everyone has their own definition of Wellness, and the only one that should matter to you - is yours.


Creating Your Wellness Goals

Once you have a good idea of what wellness means to you, you can start creating changes that will increase your sense of wellness. Having a clear idea of the different things you want makes it much easier to create those goals.


For some people, wellness goals include maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, managing medical challenges, increasing fitness or fulfilling personal and professional goals. Some people want a better balance between work and home. Others want to be more organized and less cluttered. And some people want to be more intuitive and better at listening to the signals their body gives them.


Now it’s time to grab a notebook. Start by jotting down your definition of wellness, and then move on to listing some of your wellness goals. We’ll use the goal of being more organized in our example below.


Start by writing down your goal. For some people, this will be a broad or vague idea with lots of little components.


  1.  Be more organized


We know that being organized can mean a lot of things, so in order to make our goal more meaningful, we need to write down what being organized means specifically. This helps to keep the goal manageable, and gives you clear, actionable steps you can take to reach your goal easily.


  1. Be more organized

    1. Less clutter on desk

    2. Keep appointment calendar updated

    3. Be less rushed in the morning


From there, you can keep chunking those pieces down. Like this:


  1. Be more organized

    1. Less clutter on desk

      1. Use a file holder to separate papers

      2. Remove things that don’t need to be there

    2. Keep appointment calendar updated

      1. Set aside time each morning and afternoon to update calendar

      2. Switch from paper to electronic calendar (or vice-versa)

    3. Be less rushed in the morning

      1. Get ready for work/school the night before

        1. Make lunch

        2. Lay out clothes

        3. Pack work bag


You can see that your plan for reaching your goals is writing itself as you go. Now you have small, manageable steps that you can take that get you closer to your goals. And because you’ve written them down, you’ll have the pleasure of crossing them out as you complete them.


The Role of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a specific set of tools and language skills designed to help people use their own skills, abilities, and resources more effectively to take back control of the parts of their lives that they felt were out of control before. Hypnosis breaks down the barriers that have held you stuck in unwanted behaviors and habits, and empowers you to create new healthier behaviors in their place. 


If you find that your mind is too busy or cluttered to focus on what you want or need to be doing, you can use this simple self hypnosis exercise to clear and calm your mind.


To begin, find a comfortable place where you can safely close your eyes for about 3 - 5 minutes. Turn off your phone and minimize other distractions. Take a few nice, deep breaths. Let your eyes close or let your vision go soft and blurry. Take a few more deep breaths, focusing on your breathing.


Either to yourself or out loud, repeat the phrase “Every day in every way I am better and better” five times.


When you’re done, sit quietly and allow your mind to wander or rest for a few minutes. After about 5 minutes you’ll feel like it’s time to open your eyes. When you do, your vision will clear and you’ll feel awake, alert, and refreshed.


When you commit to this exercise for a full week you’ll begin seeing positive changes in the way you think and feel almost immediately.


For some people, seeing a professional hypnotist is the best option, but if you aren’t able to do so right away, begin to practice these techniques on your own and see the positive changes you can incorporate into your life.🍥
