Better Diabetes Management With Hypnosis

By - karengray
11.10.20 05:39 PM

Consider that almost 30 million people in the United States have some form of diabetes, and one in four are undiagnosed. November has been designated as National Diabetes Month to boost awareness about the risk factors, symptoms, treatments, and types of diabetes.

In the treatment of diabetes, there are at least two absolute truths.

One. Everything affects your insulin needs. 

Two. Steady glucose and insulin levels decrease the occurrence of complications.

Stress, illness, hunger, hormones, altitude, physical fitness, diet, activity, depression, insecurities, ability to move, pancreatic motivation, heart function, circulation, respiratory status, lymph systems, and emotional states - literally everything in and around your body affect how much insulin your body needs. When you are able to control and stabilize these things, you have better control over your diabetes.

Diabetes is a physical disorder and, like most other physical states, it is heavily impacted by psychological stresses as well as self-care behaviors and medication. Experts agree that changes in lifestyle is the cornerstone of diabetes treatment. Any intervention that is able to achieve good control of blood sugar, prevent complications of diabetes, improve a patient's quality of life, and decrease diabetes risk factors is certainly worth exploring.

Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of hypnosis as part of the integrative treatment of many conditions that traditional medicine has found difficult to treat. In fact, hypnosis has shown not only to reduce anxiety in medical conditions but also change physical parameters and has been effective in the management of diabetes, including regulation of blood sugar, increased compliance, and weight loss in adults as well as adolescents.

One of the most problematic complications of diabetes is a diabetic foot ulcer. Hypnosis has proven to be effective in increasing peripheral blood circulation and decreasing diabetic foot problems. Hypnosis is also used to decrease the feedback of diabetic neuropathy, easing the discomfort or eliminating it altogether.

Hypnotic suggestions can be a motivational coach and may be used effectively to alter beliefs and behaviors. Hypnosis is helpful in increasing compliance for exercise, diet, treatment compliance, fear of needles, and other lifestyle changes that may be required for diabetes management, including stress reduction that is associated with better metabolic control. 

Hypnosis is also a helpful tool to induce relaxation, decrease psychological components such as depression, and accelerate wound healing. Another advantage of hypnosis is that patients can be taught self-hypnosis. This means that they can continue to reinforce the suggestions at home, increasing the patient’s sense of control over the disease and enhancing treatment outcomes.

Hypnosis can help people with diabetes because it has been proven to be a powerful method of helping people to change. 

The Role of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a way to produce rapid, permanent change. You are probably already aware that it helps people quit smoking and lose weight. Here are some more specific ways that hypnosis can be an effective part of the treatment regimen for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

Improve Compliance

In many cases patients struggle to stick to their doctor’s plan for a healthier lifestyle. Hypnosis helps to remove the blocks that may be preventing you from following your diabetic care plan. Hypnosis can help you to avoid cravings and emotional eating, increase your motivation to exercise and test consistently, and remember to take medications. Once those issues have been resolved, it becomes easy and natural to follow better eating patterns, exercise more, lose weight and get control of diabetes.

Reducing Stress

Hypnosis is a very deep state of relaxation and that relaxation plays a critical role in better health. Controlling anxiety and stress is one of hypnosis’ best kept secrets as it relates to managing diabetes. Increased stress, whether physical or emotional, throws your blood sugar out of balance. Hypnosis allows you to change the way you react to stressful things so that you experience less stress, and your blood sugar stays more stable. 

The Subconscious Mind’s Effect on the Pancreas

Under hypnosis the hypnotherapist can tap into the subconscious mind and offer suggestions for the body to produce the proper levels of insulin. Because your whole body is regulated and controlled by the subconscious mind, the subconscious mind has the ability to relieve common ailments and diseases. Similar strategies are used under hypnosis to help mothers produce breast milk and alleviate pain during childbirth.

Reducing Depression and Emotional Eating

Studies show that people with diabetes are at an increased risk for depression which can lead to complications that make it more difficult to manage insulin levels. Hypnosis can reduce negative thinking and increase self-confidence, reducing symptoms of depression and helping to improve overall mental health and better manage diabetes.

Breaking the Cycle of Bad Habits

Hypnosis is used around the world helping millions to reduce and reverse negative behaviors that lead to diabetes like smoking, overeating, snacking on sweets, being sedentary and more. The power of suggestion to the subconscious mind can literally reprogram you to make better and healthier choices.

Fear of Needles

Fingersticks and insulin injections are a way of life for many diabetics, and a fear of needles can keep someone from following their treatment plan. Hypnosis is already used to help people resolve fears and phobias, and is perfect for those who struggle with needles.

Whether you are diabetic, or you know someone who is, you are probably aware of the struggles in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balancing medications and exercise, and finding the best treatment that fits a person’s individual needs.  There are many ways that hypnosis can help from the moment someone is diagnosed with diabetes and throughout their treatment.

This article references medical studies found here:
