Blog categorized as For Students

Beating Back to School Stress and Anxiety

Beating Back to School Stress and Anxiety

By karengray

Kids (and parents) have experienced a lot of change, uncertainty, and stress during the last year and a half. Now that it’s time to think about returning to school, you may be noticing an increase in stress and anxiety.
08.05.21 02:15 PM - Comment(s)
Tackling Test Anxiety

Tackling Test Anxiety

By karengray

Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety. In situations where the pressure is on and a good performance counts, people may become so anxious that they are actually unable to do their best.
05.05.21 05:55 PM - Comment(s)
Back to School Survival Guide for Students and Parents

Back to School Survival Guide for Students and Parents

By karengray

Summer is coming to an end and parents and students are preparing to return to homework, tests, and extracurricular activities. Some kids will be learning from home at least part time, changing schools, or going off to college. In an already stressful time, going back to school can add to the tensio...

09.01.20 09:57 PM - Comment(s)

Remember More of What You Learn

By karengray

Remember More of What You Learn

Remember More of What You Learn

Knowing what your learning style is will help you to process, integrate, and access information more effectively. Some people learn best by listening, some have to see something done or read it for themselves, and others have to do it to learn it. Most everyone is stro...

08.25.20 07:20 PM - Comment(s)
Set Your Kids Up for Success!

Set Your Kids Up for Success!

By karengray

I know that it is the middle of Summer, and that no one really wants to think about school starting again, but the reality is that many schools will open in just a few short, sunny weeks.

I was reminded of this the other day when I asked my daughter how she was doing on her summer reading assignment....

07.24.18 01:04 PM - Comment(s)