Blog tagged as fear

Take Anxiety Out of Drive

Take Anxiety Out of Drive

By karengray

Winter is here, with all the potentially messy driving conditions that can come with it. Driving doesn’t have to cause stress or anxiety any more. You can take back control of those feelings and tap in to unstoppable confidence - no matter what the road conditions are.
11.16.22 02:01 PM - Comment(s)
No More Fear of Needles

No More Fear of Needles

By karengray

Most of us aren’t too fond of getting shots. For some, it may even stop people from getting medical care they need. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple things you can do to ease anxieties and fears and feel more in control.
05.19.21 05:28 PM - Comment(s)
Stress-Free Winter Driving

Stress-Free Winter Driving

By karengray

The idea of driving in snow and winter storms doesn’t have to stress you out or cause anxiety. There are simple easy things you can do to help you feel calm, confident, and relaxed no matter what the road conditions are.
02.03.21 11:13 AM - Comment(s)
The Thing About Fear Is...

The Thing About Fear Is...

By karengray

The Power of Fear

The power that we give to Fear never ceases to amaze me. We allow it to control our actions and reactions, and even to affect our entire lives. I was listening to the radio when it occurred to me that fear is just an idea that we made-up. Fear is just a concept. I was in m...

01.08.18 05:23 PM - Comment(s)