Have a Stress-Free Holiday!

By karengray

For many of us, the Holiday Season means family, friends, caroling, gathering, feasting, and parities, shopping and gifts. And for many of us the Holiday Season also means stress, anxiety, and fears.

We could talk about the ways and reasons that we get stressed out preparing to impress family and fri...

26.11.18 04:41 PM - Comment(s)

Have a Stress Free Holiday Season

By karengray

While ‘tis the season to be merry, for many of us it’s also a season for stress, anxiety and angst During this time of year, people often resort to bad habits—they may cave into sugar cravings, go for the booze, and overdo the caffeine.

In part, that’s because, during the holidays, people tend to exp...

30.11.17 04:42 PM - Comment(s)