Blog categorized as Business and Career

Stress in the Workplace and What to Do About It

Stress in the Workplace and What to Do About It

By karengray

The daily grind of projects, deadlines and pressures at work can be stressful. 

Work-related stress is a growing problem that affects the health and well-being of employees, and also the productivity of organisations. Work-related stress occurs where the various types and combinations of respons...

03.26.19 04:40 PM - Comment(s)
Are you Sabotaging Your Success?

Are you Sabotaging Your Success?

By karengray

What Is Self-Sabotage?

Behavior is self-sabotaging when it creates problems that interfere with your long-standing goals. Self-sabotage can be something that you do, like procrastinate overeat, or self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. It can also manifest in the ways that you act, such as low self est...

06.03.18 08:31 PM - Comment(s)
Lost Your Motivation?

Lost Your Motivation?

By karengray

We have all been there...

You are full of inspiration and 100% motivated to start your healthy new lifestyle. You start to work out four times a week, you eat healthy and you treat yourself every once in a while. This is the perfect plan, and everything is going great. Somewhere along the road you lo...

05.28.18 12:01 PM - Comment(s)
Want to Be Better At Business?

Want to Be Better At Business?

By karengray

Starting our own business was one of the most intimidating things I have ever done, and that is saying quite a lot since I spent eight years as an EMT, and another ten years as a registered nurse - I’ve seen some things!

Working closely with my partner John, we began creating the framework of what Gr...

05.21.18 05:05 PM - Comment(s)
For Better Time Management...

For Better Time Management...

By karengray

Managing Your Time...

Do you sometimes feel like you spend all your time managing crises? That your life is basically spent putting out one proverbial fire after another?

At the end of the day do you feel completely sapped and drained of energy, and yet you can’t point to anything you accomplished tha...

04.16.18 05:56 PM - Comment(s)