
Blog categorized as Health

Managing Diabetes Better with Hypnosis

Managing Diabetes Better with Hypnosis

By karengray

Diabetes is heavily impacted by psychological stresses. Any intervention that is able to achieve good control of blood sugar, prevent complications, improve quality of life, and decrease risk factors is certainly worth exploring.
11.11.21 11:36 AM - Comment(s)
The Importance of Loving Your Body

The Importance of Loving Your Body

By karengray

Loving your body is so important, no matter where you are in your journey. When you begin to recognize the amazing, accomplished, deserving person you are, you begin to realize that you deserve better.
07.07.21 03:07 PM - Comment(s)
Let's Get Ready for Summer!

Let's Get Ready for Summer!

By karengray

A lot of us have put on a few extra pounds this last year. Now that the days are longer and warmer, this is the perfect time to reshape those eating and moving habits so we can feel stronger and healthier.
04.14.21 06:55 AM - Comment(s)
Diabetes and Depression

Diabetes and Depression

By karengray

Making healthy choices and taking steps to manage your diabetes can mean the difference between living with diabetes and thriving. It's time to thrive by finding a balance of nutrition, physical activity and mental health management.
11.18.20 03:26 PM - Comment(s)
Better Diabetes Management With Hypnosis

Better Diabetes Management With Hypnosis

By karengray

Consider that almost 30 million people in the United States have some form of diabetes, and one in four are undiagnosed. November has been designated as National Diabetes Month to boost awareness about the risk factors, symptoms, treatments, and types of diabetes.

In the treatment of diabetes, there ...

11.10.20 05:39 PM - Comment(s)