Blog tagged as career

Lost Your Motivation?

Lost Your Motivation?

By karengray

If you are finding yourself putting things off, or just not having the motivation to get something started, this information can help get you back on track.
02.10.21 05:43 PM - Comment(s)
It Doesn't Have to Be "All or Nothing"

It Doesn't Have to Be "All or Nothing"

By karengray

How many times have you put off a project and never came back to it? Have you tried to accomplish something and found yourself saying “it didn’t work, it isn’t going to work”? That’s the “all or nothing” mindset. And it’s keeping you from your desired outcome.
01.27.21 10:29 AM - Comment(s)
Say Something Nice Day

Say Something Nice Day

By karengray

June 1st was “Say Something Nice Day.” Say Something Nice Day began in Charleston, South Carolina, as a day to be kind to the special people in our lives. It is a wonderful sentiment, and I am a firm believer in being kind to everyone as often as possible.

This week, to celebrate Say Something Nice D...

06.03.19 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
What is Scarcity Mindset and How is it Hurting You?

What is Scarcity Mindset and How is it Hurting You?

By karengray

I want to take a minute and step away from the Holiday theme to talk about something called the Scarcity Mindset. In short, this is the feeling that there is not enough ______ to go around. This perception is stressful and ultimately harmful to our success, and you can let it go.

There are enough job...

12.10.18 05:03 PM - Comment(s)
Are you Sabotaging Your Success?

Are you Sabotaging Your Success?

By karengray

What Is Self-Sabotage?

Behavior is self-sabotaging when it creates problems that interfere with your long-standing goals. Self-sabotage can be something that you do, like procrastinate overeat, or self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. It can also manifest in the ways that you act, such as low self est...

06.03.18 08:31 PM - Comment(s)