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It's My Birthday!

By karengray

It's My Birthday!

I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to connect with so many amazing people, people like you!

For my birthday this year I want to share with you some of my favorite hypnosis programs - free of course!

Deep Stress Relief
This is the go-to mental reset you've been needing. This full length se...
07.21.22 01:25 PM - Comment(s)
Practicing Positive Procrastination

Practicing Positive Procrastination

By karengray

Not everything needs to be done right away, or talked about right now. When we delay taking an action, we give ourselves the chance to process what is happening and respond thoughtfully instead of reacting to situations, and we take control of that aspect of our lives again.
07.20.22 06:55 PM - Comment(s)
Easing Emotional Overwhelm

Easing Emotional Overwhelm

By karengray

There has been a lot to process lately, and if you are feeling overwhelmed you aren’t alone. Emotional overwhelm is a lot like the experience of trying to multitask too many things at once. It can affect your ability to think and function.
07.07.22 01:29 PM - Comment(s)
What is Covid Stress Syndrome?

What is Covid Stress Syndrome?

By karengray

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to trigger a wide variety of emotional, physical, and economic issues for many people. Recent studies have put a name on the experience, Covid Stress Syndrome.
08.25.21 12:23 PM - Comment(s)
Avoiding Burnout from Decision Fatigue

Avoiding Burnout from Decision Fatigue

By karengray

The more choices you make throughout the day, the harder each one becomes for your brain, and eventually it looks for shortcuts. It’s different from ordinary physical fatigue in that you may not be consciously aware of being tired, though you’re low on mental energy.
07.28.21 05:17 PM - Comment(s)