Blog tagged as negative beliefs

You Are What You Say You Are

You Are What You Say You Are

By karengray

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you were nicer to yourself? Imagine how your life would change if you can effortlessly use just a few simple words to turn around your inner dialogue.
05.12.21 02:55 PM - Comment(s)
Do You Feel Like An Impostor?

Do You Feel Like An Impostor?

By karengray

If you are feeling small and like you don’t deserve to be successful, or if you’re feeling overworked and burnt out, then it’s time to remind yourself of the Rockstar you really are.
03.17.21 02:17 PM - Comment(s)
Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed?

By karengray

I’ve been working with a lot of people this week who feel like they are just stuck. You know that feeling when you’ve got too much to do and your mind is just full? Your stress levels rise and you end up not making any progress. 

The conscious mind has a limited short term memory, and it has to ...

09.17.20 12:29 PM - Comment(s)


By karengray

We all have it. Baggage is that emotional stuff that you have stuffed down and haven’t dealt with it. It’s like stuffing memories and feelings in a closet so that you don’t have to look at them.

It is a natural process that we all participate in, and it has many different names. It can be called avoi...

10.21.18 06:10 PM - Comment(s)
Are you Sabotaging Your Success?

Are you Sabotaging Your Success?

By karengray

What Is Self-Sabotage?

Behavior is self-sabotaging when it creates problems that interfere with your long-standing goals. Self-sabotage can be something that you do, like procrastinate overeat, or self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. It can also manifest in the ways that you act, such as low self est...

06.03.18 08:31 PM - Comment(s)