emotional health

Blog tagged as emotional health

Building Encouragement

Building Encouragement

By karengray

Encouragement works by anchoring a good feeling to doing something. This drive to feel good can be strong enough to motivate us to do more. When we attach the good feeling to accomplishing something, we want to do it again so that we’ll get the good feeling again.
07.15.21 12:54 PM - Comment(s)
Do You Feel Like An Impostor?

Do You Feel Like An Impostor?

By karengray

If you are feeling small and like you don’t deserve to be successful, or if you’re feeling overworked and burnt out, then it’s time to remind yourself of the Rockstar you really are.
03.17.21 02:17 PM - Comment(s)
The Power of Self-Talk

The Power of Self-Talk

By karengray

You have the power to change what you say to yourself and about yourself. The first and probably easiest way is by using the hypnotic technique of reframing.
03.10.21 06:02 PM - Comment(s)
Responding vs. Reacting

Responding vs. Reacting

By karengray

You can start living a life that is more responsive and less reactive simply by paying attention and noticing when what you do or say feels off-center.
02.24.21 02:32 PM - Comment(s)
Emotional Housekeeping - Reflecting on 2020

Emotional Housekeeping - Reflecting on 2020

By karengray

It has been quite a year.

As happens with everything, there have been some wonderful things that have come from what may have been the most challenging year for many. People learned how to connect with each other in new ways, and with the shift to online work and school we all became neighbors. Commu...

12.16.20 12:47 PM - Comment(s)